here is the first (very very early beta) version of Just Another Unlocker (PM120 Repair Tool (new)).
.) it supports at the moment ONLY the phones with hash: CAEEBB65D3C48E6DC73B49DC5063A2EE00000000
programm check if hash is supported...
.) it is NOT a reshacked version of known programms
.) make always backups, because as i sayed it is a totaly unfinished programm, at the moment it is just a demo
.) USE ONLY UFS, JAF support is not finished...
.) pm308 backup reading need mutch time (dont know way i try to solve this)
.) but unlocking is realy fast (after reading pm308)
.) you need to right the unlocked pm fields genereated with this unlocker with any tool like jaf, mt box, ufs or any other...
.) direct unlocking is in work...
.) sx4 server is the next
.) also other hashes is the next too...
please dont blame me if it dont work for you, because as i sayed this is the realy first demo and totaly unfinished, no real error handling and so on...
it is just to show you my first steps because all whant to see new version...
i still have many many work on this, and i planing to addjust other brands too... (maybe huawai modes, blackberry or somethink like that).
but first i have enugh work with this...
i did many work on it, with i dont whant to write here now, when iam finished with all, a give out a list of all...
here you can download it:
i have tested it with N0kia 6650D, E71 phones...
if you would like to test it, please report me if it has worked for you or not...
*yes i know, pm120 is bad written, i have seen it now, but now i need to go sleep, i corrrect this in next version...
if you whant test this software make all backups before and dont blame me for demaged phones i warned you
ps: i found my bug with sx4 auth, so when i finished sl2 unlock, i make sx4 auth server working too (also using local sx4 will working).
you can find the unlockbutton in "bb5" tab...
under settings you can set longer delay for phones with need more time for boot up in local mode...
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